The dissertation

My dissertation work was Emotions are relational: positioning and the use of affective linguistic resources, with chair Penny Eckert and advisors Dan Jurafksy, John Rickford, and Chris Potts. In addition to a literature review that people tell me is pretty helpful, the dissertation has three parts: (i) using a conversation between two friends to identify hot spots, (ii) the affective uses and consequences of the word little (corpus linguistics and experiments), (iii) emoticons--everything you could want to know about emoticons. ;)

For a background in what led into the dissertation, here's a page with notes for 57 articles/books, 14 essays and 7 presentations on language and emotion.

Language & Gender

I'm very proud of my work with David Bamman and Jacob Eisenstein on combining computational linguistic methods and contemporary social theory about gender. Prior NLP research on gender divides people into male/female--we show how that isn't descriptively accurate using a novel corpus of over 14,000 Twitter users, 9.2m tweets.

[Journal of Sociolinguistics published version]

[ free version]

[An anonymous summary of the paper as if it were a pasta dish] (!) 

Meanwhile, if you're looking for an introduction to language-and-gender, check out materials I made to support Lauren Hall-Lew's undergraduate course.

Endangered languages

I've done a bit of work on Sayula Populuca (Mexico) and Hawaiian (Hawai'i), but most of my work has been on Shabo, a language of Ethiopia. Here are materials on Shabo/Tsabu/Chabu and some more general resources on African linguistics. 

Here are a bunch of teaching materials for John Rickford's undergraduate course on AAVE. Hopefully, you'll find them to be a pretty thorough introduction even if you're brand new to linguistics.

African-American Vernacular English


You might get a kick out of my NWAV 2010 presentation: Variation in speech tempo: Capt. Kirk, Mr. Spock, and all of us in between. Or my paper on the social meaning of tempo. Or a short, early handout on tempo

One of the best places to look when you're investigating variation and style is YouTube. Here's a how-to for getting YouTube into Praat. Because of compression, you won't be able to see some finer issues, but there's still plenty to look at exploratorily. 

Here are course notes for a wide variety of socio-type courses/readings that go beyond style.


A lot of this work is on crowdsourcing--understanding how to put humans-in-the-loop has been a strong part of both my academic pursuits and my industry ones. In fact, that's what my NLP startup was really about. 

Experimental design

This is a long page with a bunch of classes that I had at Stanford, Berkeley, and a few other places. I've got class notes for 35 different seminars, summarizing a whole bunch of classic and recent works/discussions.

Meanwhile, maybe you want notes on 65+ articles across various disciplines/subdisciplines?

Summaries from all of the grad classes I took